Handan Qiming Carbon Co., Ltd
Wood Structures VS Graphite Sheets: Structural Differences Revealed

Graphite products, as well as other metal products, also contain graphite. Some metallic structures in graphite are used to make hoses, springs and elastic devices. But graphite flakes are thinner, harder and more difficult to machine than smooth cast iron flakes. This is like a hose that is thicker and less easy to machine than a smooth cast iron pipe. The graphite structure is composed of different atoms, and the graphite structure depends on the specific position of each atom, and the arrangement order of the same atom will also affect the graphite structure. Therefore, it will also cause differences in graphite structure, which will affect the hardness, weight, smoothness and strength of graphite flakes.

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The thickness of the graphite sheet is determined by the number of atoms and molecules in it, the more the number of molecules, the thicker the graphite sheet, but at the same time, the thinner it means the faster the cutting process and the higher the heat. The hardness of the graphite layer is proportional to the distance between the layers, the more the number of atoms, the larger the molecular gap, and the harder the graphite layer. You don't need to check the specific data carefully, you just need to know that it is a fact. Compared to other materials, graphite has many times more atoms than available gold or metals. Empirical data shows that the average thickness of pure graphite flakes should exceed 5 mm.

(for reference, according to the actual thickness). The material affects the performance but the specific situation has to be analyzed in detail. Some use polymers, some make organic layers, and some directly use cast iron. Using polymers, on the one hand, the graphite sheet is thin enough, and on the other hand, the number of embedded atoms is too large. Exactly how many embedded atoms need to diffuse indirectly through the interlayer gap needs to be analyzed in detail. With organic layers, due to the huge number of molecules, there will be an order of magnitude difference.

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However, the organic layer is much lighter than the thickness of the polymer, and most of them are made of metal-organic layers. In addition, some trace structural elements or unknown structural elements in materials such as cast iron also participate in the graphite sheet, which makes the hardness and hardness of the graphite sheet vary greatly among different devices.